The Hurd Elementary Program at the Ripley School is a therapeutic day school that serves students in grades K-5 with a variety of social, emotional, behavioral, and learning needs.
The goal of this program is to equip children with the behavioral and academic skills needed to meet the day-to-day demands of a traditional elementary school program.
Program Features
- Individualized academic and behavioral programs
- Curriculum aligned to the Common Core Curriculum Frameworks
- Small group instruction
- Multi-sensory learning approach
- Balanced literacy program
- Weekly social skills group
- Sensory education program
- Augmentative and alternative communication systems, and assistive technology, to support student access to learning
- Adventure-based learning
- Pragmatic language and occupational therapy groups
- Electives program including: project adventure, cooking, science, and arts & crafts
- Parent activity group
- Yearly school community events include: Thanksgiving brunch, holiday fair, yard sale, socials
- Accepts 45-day placements
- School Year: 180 days from August-June, 6-week Extended Year Program from early July through mid-August
- Clinical/Mental Health
- Nursing
- Occupational and Physical Therapy
- Positive Behavioral Intervention & Support (PBiS)
- Speech and Language Therapy
Appropriate referrals include students ages 6-11 who:
- Are currently on an Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- Have cognitive abilities in the average range or above
- Have significant learning disabilities, organizational, social, emotional, and/or behavioral issues that greatly impact academic performance
- Diagnoses include: High-Functioning Autism, Asperger Syndrome, PDD/NOS or similar profile; Mood disorders (depression, bi-polar, or similar profile); Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD), including phobias, anxiety, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, or similar profiles; ADHD; Sensory Integration issues.