Non-Emergency Support Procedures
All requests for non-emergency support should start by submitting a SEEM Helpdesk ticket. If your ticket requires remote support, staff may then Book a Time with SEEM Tech Support. SEEM Tech support hours are the same as the normal school work week.

How to Submit a Helpdesk Ticket
To submit a Helpdesk ticket, visit the SEEM Help Desk and enter your full SEEM Collaborative email address <your_seem_email> Note: If you can't access your SEEM email, please contact your school principal, tech liaison or administrative assistant to submit a ticket on your behalf

Book-a-time with SEEM IT
Teachers and staff who require remote support (at home) should
- Submit a Helpdesk Ticket
- Book A Time with SEEM Tech Support
Note: You must be logged with your GSuite account to access this form.
All remote support sessions are done using and Google Chat

EMPLOYEE Laptop VPN Request for home USe
Employees may request their SEEM Laptop be setup for Home Use/VPN/Remote Access via the following:
Note: After remote access has been setup, the employee will be requested to sign a Mobile Device User Agreement for their specific device. *

Steps For Taking Home a SEEM Chromebook/iPad
Procedures for SEEM Chromebooks and Ipads for home use by employees and students are found here.

Electronic Signature via DigiSigner (FREE)
DigiSigner is a FREE service which allow you to upload a PDF, add a signature, and download the updated PDF electronically. This tool is adequate for use where personal information is not a concern. (Take home agreements, Device Sign-out sheets, etc.). PLEASE USE DISCRETION WITH FORMS WHICH CONTAIN PERSONAL INFORMATION.