SEEM Collaborative utilizes three (3) types of remote devices for remote access to both Internet and SEEM Technology systems.
- Laptops
- Chromebooks
- iPads
Preparing Laptops for Remote Access
SEEM Staff laptop users have the option to be setup for VPN/Remote Access for usage at home. All laptops must be configure by the SEEM Technology department. SEEM laptops will contain VPN Software, Antivirus protection, Office Professional 2016, and the latest security patches and updates all running Windows 10 (with a few still on Windows 7).
For this purpose, the IT Department has setup a dedicated calendar where employees can Book-a-Time with SEEM Tech in advance.
To Request a SEEM Laptop for VPN/Remote Access and for general IT support procedures, please see Tech Support Resources

Preparing Chromebooks for Remote Usage
For Chromebook use at home by staff or students, SEEM IT needs to know the Chromebook Asset ID (name on the bottom) in advance so it can be reassigned and reconfigured for home/remote usage.
Below is a summary of the process:
Special Conditions for Off-Site Chromebook Usage
- SEEM IT needs the Chromebooks ID (on the bottom) to reassign it as a remote access device *
- A remote access Chromebook will perform an auto-reconfiguration the first time it connects to the Internet (Note: You will know it is ready when the <school> wallpaper background changes to a generic SEEM background. When you see, it will be ready for home use)
* Remote Access devices are no longer required to connect to SEEM Wifi to undergo reconfiguration however chromebooks it will not function at home unless it is assigned for remote access usage.
As each school storage carts vary by location, each school should coordinate with their buildings principal on logistics for distribution.

Acceptable Use Agreements for **STAFF** Chromebooks
SEEM Staff should download and sign the SEEM Chromebook Take Home Agreement for Staff . This can be signed and scanned/uploaded with their SEEM helpdesk ticket request.

Acceptable Use Agreements for **STUDENT** Chromebooks
SEEM IT has provided a permission form that parents can sign for devices that students take home. When providing Chromebooks to students, SEEM teachers and staff should provide the parent the SEEM Chromebook Take-Home AcceptableUse for Students for a parent to sign*.
Parents can also download this form directly and provide their electronic signature using Digisigner (free) and email it to address noted on the form

iPads for Students
SEEM IT has provided a permission form that parents can sign for devices that students take home. When providing iPads to students, SEEM teachers and staff should provide the parent the SEEM iPad Take-Home AcceptableUse for Students for a parent to sign *.
* Parents can also download this form directly and provide their electronic signature using Digisigner (free) and email it to address noted on the form
NOTE: For iPads, teachers may have placed passcodes on them that may need to be removed, changed or shared with the student to unlock them.

G-Suite for Education Environment (Google)
SEEM Collaborative has leveraged and utilized various online tools to meet the needs of delivering a Remote Learning Environment for their students. SEEM teachers and students who require such access will be accommodated per our SEEM Leadership Remote Learning Plan.
Many of these tools leverage off of the * G-Suite for Education online collaborative applications such as Google Classroom, Drive, Docs and other online tools, such as Zoom and Google Meet video conferencing.
* Students under the age of 13 are require parental permission to use GSuite for Education per Googles Privacy Policy. Parents can download this form and more via the Parents Forms and Permissions and provide their electronic signature using Digisigner (free) and email it to the address on the bottom of the form
Electronic Signature via DigiSigner (FREE)
DigiSigner is a FREE service which allow you to upload a PDF, add a signature, and download the updated PDF electronically. This tool is adequate for use where personal information is not a concern. (Take home agreements, Device Sign-out sheets, etc.). PLEASE USE DISCRETION WITH FORMS WHICH CONTAIN PERSONAL INFORMATION.